Archive for October, 2009

Book Quotes

October 18, 2009

So I have been reading a lot in Auckland thanks to my abundant spare time and proximity to Auckland City Library so here are a couple of quotes from books I have just read:

“No this misery was of the sit-in-front-of-the-TV-and-eat-bakewell-tarts kind. And she knew that depression was not to be taken lightly when it crossed the line into something that could end up making you fat.”

“Fehlen – to miss – had made the real sense clear to him: fehlen – to be absent from. ‘I miss you’ is really ‘you are missing from me.’ Its I’m incomplete because a part of me isn’t there, the part of me that you are. Du fehlst mir.

‘Das wetter ist affen titten geil’ – The weather is monkey tits horny.